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The Firebase Bible

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The Firebase Bible is a tutorial collection dedicated to showing people how to build apps with Firebase. With detailed step-by-step guides and images, this is the perfect companion for every serious Firebaser.

What's inside?

  • Firebase Cloud Firestore
    A scalable and flexible NoSQL cloud database with realtime updates and offline support! (learn more)
  • Firebase Cloud Storage
    Store and serve user-generated content, scalable, secure, simple! (learn more)
  • Firebase Cloud Functions
    Your all-in-one toolbox to building serverless infrastructures in the cloud! (learn more)
  • Firebase Authentication
    A backend service that supports multiple authentication schemes and providers! (learn more)
  • Firebase Remote Config
    Implement feature toggles and perform A/B tests with this service! (learn more)
  • Firebase Console
    Learn how to manage projects, apps, users, billing plans, and costs! (learn more)
  • Firebase Hosting
    Fast and secure hosting of your web apps, microservices, and static or dynamic content! (learn more)

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But why should you buy this when the information can also be found on the internet for free?

The simple answer is time! Yes, you can find everything on the internet but it will cost you time. This guide will save you a lot of time for a rather small fee. So, it's up to you to decide if you want to invest the money!

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Last updated Sep 5, 2023

You'll get a bundle of seven ebooks showing you how to build apps backed by Firebase services!

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The Firebase Bible

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